The New Hub For Creative Music in Vegas!

New Releases

Beregovski Suite

by Alicia Svigals & Uli Geissendoerfer

Very creative original Jazz featuring superb vocals, high energy solos and compelling melodies. Featuring two great Beatles covers and fantastic sound.

Genre: Jazz/Jazz Fusion

Release Date: 2012

Project Partners

The Dispensary Lounge features LIVE JAZZ curated by Musical Director Uli Geissendoerfer, fantastic food and 24/7 Gaming! Voted the "Best Jazz Lounge" and "Best Dive Bar" by Las Vegas Review - Best of Las Vegas Reader's Poll and rated "The 4th Best Dive Bar in the country" by Playboy!


Vegas Records

133 Tuxford Court, Henderson, NV 89074

(702) 518-2322

The New Hub For Creative Music in Vegas!